6 シミュレーショントレーニングに用いるセラミックス製人工歯の開発 (第434回 大阪歯科学会例会)
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Many of the artificial teeth developed for simulation training of cavity preparation do not reproduce the same sensations the operator experiences when preparing natural teeth with an air turbine hand-piece. We investigated the sensations produced with several artificicial teeth and evaluated a new ceramic for use as an artificial tooth material. We measured the three-dimensional cutting forces during cavity preparation and the speed required to cut the test pieces with a constant cutting force. The new ceramic tooth was found suitable for simulation training.
- 大阪歯科学会の論文
- 1994-04-25
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- 6 シミュレーショントレーニングに用いるセラミックス製人工歯の開発 (第434回 大阪歯科学会例会)