ダイオキシンの遺伝的影響 : ヒト精子染色体に及ぼす影響の観点から : シンポジウム : II. ダイオキシンの生体影響
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Using our interspecies in vitro fertilization system between human spermatozoa and zona-free hamster oocytes, we studied the cytogenetic effects of dioxin (2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, {~ TCDD) on human spermatozoa. TCDD was dissolved in DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) and diluted }ii with BWW medium at the concentrations of 1.0-5.0 pglml. Spermatozoa were treated in vitro with TCDD for 1-2 hours. Total numbers of 748,994 and 268 sperm-derived chromosome comple-ments were karyotyped in the TCDD-treated, control I (non-treated) and control 11 (DMSO-treated) groups, respectively. In spite of the treatment with extremely high doses of TCDD, no difference was found in the incidence of spermatozoa with structural chromosome aberrations between TCDD-treated, con-trol I and control 11 groups. Types of structural chromosome aberrations and their incidences also showed no difference among the three experimental groups. These results indicate that in vitro TCDD exposure does not induce structural chromosome aberrations in mature human spermatozoa. However, a possibility that in vivo exposure to dioxin may indirectly induce genetic damage in sperm-derived genome is still remained. This possibility was discussed. (This paper, in a session chaired by Taisei Nomura and Kazuo Hujikawa, was presented to the sympo-sium "Biological effects of dioxins", organized by Taisei Nomura, at the 27'" annual meeting of the Environmental Mutagen Society of Japan, and held at the Mielparque Osaka in Osaka. Japan. Novem-ber, 24-26, 1998.)
- 日本環境変異原学会の論文
- 1999-07-12
- 新人為起源有害物質の継世代的人体影響
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- バイオドシメトリ III. 全身被曝におけるバイオドシメトリ 9. ヒト精子染色体によるバイオドシメトリ
- 112.ヒト精子染色体に及ぼすマイクロ波照射の影響
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- 釣り
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- ダイオキシンの遺伝的影響 : ヒト精子染色体に及ぼす影響の観点から : シンポジウム : II. ダイオキシンの生体影響
- S2-6 ダイオキシンの遺伝的影響の問題点 : ヒト精子染色体に及ぼす影響の観点から
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