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Interface structure of Ti/Fe in the clad materials with ultra low carbon (ULC) steels and commercially pure titanium sheets have been studied to clarify the effects of various factors such as the preparation methods, the carbon contents in steels and the temperatures of heat treatments by using Auger electron spectroscopy (AES). Specimens were prepared by two kinds of methods, that is, hot isostatic press (HIP) and explosive bonding (EX). Carbon contents in the ULC steels were varied from 0.0045 to 0.03 mass%. Temperature ranges of heat treatments for 14.4ks in vacuum were varied from 773 to 1323K. As for the HIP specimens before heat treatments, it was found that there already existed strong differences in the Ti/Fe interface structures. Based on the measurements of EX specimens after heat treatments, it was suggested that the interface structure was mainly determined by the temperatures and the carbon contents. When the carbon content was more than 0.012mass%, it was found that TiC precipitated at the Ti/Fe interface with temperature rising up to about 1073K. TiC layers acted as barriers for the diffusion of metal atoms across the interface and delayed the growth of intermetallic compounds and β-Ti. Those diffusion barriers were re-dissolved at above 1173K.
- 1993-09-01
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