軸受鋼の研究 (II) : ペアリングの寿命に及ぼす金相学的因子の影響について
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The inner rings of the ball bearing, which had been known the life time in life test, was studied in order to look for the relation between some metallurgical factors and life. As some factors the chemical composition, non-metallic inclusions, hardness, compressive load of inner rings, cementite content, grain size and forging degree were tested. The results obtained by our investigation were summarized as follows. (1) Generally speaking, the chemical composition had no direct relation to life of ball bearing. By our results carbon content of our home-made ball bearing steels was controlled in a higher range of the standard, but it must be controlled in a lower range to avoid the segregation and coarse carbide. Chromium content must be controlled in 1.40∿1.50 per cent. (2) Nitrogen content had no clear relation to life of ball bearing steels. But some group of the nitrogen had relation to cementite content, while the other group had no relation to cementite content. (3) The higher hardness of after heat-treatment, the longer was life of ball bearing. Hardness of inner ring increased mostly after life test. It is due to transformation of the retained austenite. Hardness of after life test has no relation to the life. (4) The compressive load of inner ring had no direct relation to life of ball bearing. (5) Non-metallic inclusions had scarcely relation to life of ball bearing according to our investigation. (6) In the forging ratio our home-made ball bearing steels were considerably lower. It must be raised by using the bigger ingot. (7) Cementite content retained after heat-treatment had clear relation to life of ball bearing. Maximum life was in about 6∿8 percent of cementite content (8) Grain Size had no distinct relation to life of ball bearing. But some group of it had relation to life, and the other group had no relation to life.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 1955-10-01
- 88 硬度標準試片の試作の研究 (II)(日本鐵鋼協會第 47 囘講演大會講演大要)
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- 時計ゼンマイ材料の研究 (II)
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- 軟鋼板の深絞性と異方性
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- 89 小型アーク炉による鋼の熔製と試作鋼の性質(第 52 回講演大会講演大要)
- 32 軸受鋼の研究 (IX) : ボール線材のオーステナイト状態の挙動と早期寿命試験結果について(第 52 回講演大会講演大要)
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- 104 軟鋼板の深絞性と異方性(第 51 回講演大会講演大要)
- 57 軸受鋼の研究 (VII) : SKF, Timken 及び国産軸受鋼のパイプ材のオーステナイト状態の挙動と早期寿命試験結果について(第 51 回講演大会講演大要)
- 56 軸受鋼の研究 (VI) : 積分強度法による残留オーステナイトの X 線的定量(第 51 回講演大会講演大要)
- 軸受鋼の研究 (II) : ペアリングの寿命に及ぼす金相学的因子の影響について
- 74 高炭素高クロム鋼の靱性(日本鐵鋼協會第 50 回講演大会講演大要)
- 90 鋼の脱酸に関する研究 (I)(第 49 回講演大会講演大要)
- 58 軸受鋼の研究 (II) : ベアリングの寿命に及ぼす金相学的因子の影響について(第 49 回講演大会講演大要)
- 4 含 Ni-Cr 鉄鉱石の磁化焙燒に関する研究 (II) : 比島鉱石の流動層による磁化焙燒(第 49 回講演大会講演大要)
- "Die Edelstahlerzeugung", (by F. Leitner, E. Plockinger), Wiln Springer, 出版社刊行, (1950), pp.490, 図表 174.
- ゼンマイ材料の熱處理に關する二, 三の問題
- ボール線材のオーステナイト状態の挙動と早期寿命試験結果について
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- 55 軸受鋼の研究 (V) : 炭化物のオーステナイトへの固溶について(第 51 回講演大会講演大要)
- 軸受鋼の研究 (III) : 酸性平炉鋼, 塩基性電気炉鋼及び S.K.F. 素材のオーステナイト状態の挙動
- 59 軸受鋼の研究 (III) : 酸性平炉鋼, 塩基性電気炉鋼及び S.K.F 素材のオーステナイト状態の挙動(第 49 回講演大会講演大要)
- 軸受鋼の研究 (IV) : リング状試片の内部応力に及ぼす焼入温度の影響
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- 燒入硬度曲線の形態 (II)
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- 31 軸受鋼の研究 (VIII) : 電解分離による軸受鋼の炭化物の挙動について (その 1)(第 52 回講演大会講演大要)