軸受鋼の熱處理の研究 (I) : 熱處理による機械的性質と寸法安定性との關係
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Specimens of the ball bearing steel, SUJ 2, were heat-treated by subzero-treatment, oil quenching and tempering, martempering-oil cooling, and martempering-air cooling. Some groups of these were tested in the static notched bending of charpy-type specimens and the compressive breaking of ring shaped one, and the other were studied as to the dimensional stability of retained austenite by various quenching methods. The quantitative determination by point-counting and lineal analysis was carried out in microscopical methods. The results of experiment were as follows : 1) In the ball bearing steel, SUJ 2, the coarsening temperature of austenite grain was at 870℃, duplex range was from 930℃ to 1050℃, and quenching crack was generated by quenching from above 850℃ austenitizing temperature. Considering above these, retained austenite and carbide solubility, the best austenitizing temperature was at 840℃±5℃. 2) In the comperessive breaking test the oil quenching and tempering was superior to subzero heat-trsatment, but there was the tempered brittleness at 180℃ and 250℃ tempering temperature in the static notched bending test. In sabzero-treatment there was no notched brittleness. Both martempering heat-treatment made the specimens generate the primary acicular bainite, and on account of it hardness was too low, but the mechanical properties were very good. 3) From dimensional stability at room temperature by various quenching the experimental equations were gained : Sabzero treatment……χ=-99.2[1-e^<-0.0970t>^<0.163>>]+6.72[1-e^<-2.10t^<0.22>>] Oil quenching……χ=-93.8[1-e^<-0.0970t^<0.163>>]+49.4 [1-e^<-1.21t^<0.17>>] Interrupted quenching……χ=-90.9[1-e^<-0.0970t^<0.163>>]+86.4[1-e^<-0.661t^<0.147>>] 4) Lineal analysis and point-counting with microscopical photographs without the Hurlbut counter were inadequate for quantitative determination of this degree's retained austenite. Lineal analysis was more convenient in quantitaiive determination than point counting.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 1953-07-25
- 511 高温軸受鋼のころがり疲れ寿命(疲労, 材料, 日本鉄鋼協会第 108 回(秋季)講演大会)
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- 542 サイクル熱処理による亜共析鋼の組織微細化と超塑性(変態・熱処理, 材料, 日本鉄鋼協会第 108 回(秋季)講演大会)
- 701 浸炭鋼および浸炭窒化鋼の高温ころがり疲れ寿命(破壊, 疲労, 材料, 日本鉄鋼協会第 112 回(秋季)講演大会)
- 682 連続鋳造した浸炭鋼の浸炭層の挙動(熱処理・変態・析出 (1), (2), 材料, 日本鉄鋼協会第 106 回(秋季)講演大会講演)
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- 787 高温用軸受鋼の高温寿命試験機の試作と寿命(制御冷却・直接焼入・ロール・軸受・工具鋼, 材料, 日本鉄鋼協会第 104 回(秋季)講演大会)
- 584 共析鋼のサイクル熱処理と超塑性(析出・変態・粒成長・その他, 材料, 日本鉄鋼協会第 104 回(秋季)講演大会)
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- 89 小型アーク炉による鋼の熔製と試作鋼の性質(第 52 回講演大会講演大要)
- 32 軸受鋼の研究 (IX) : ボール線材のオーステナイト状態の挙動と早期寿命試験結果について(第 52 回講演大会講演大要)
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- 57 軸受鋼の研究 (VII) : SKF, Timken 及び国産軸受鋼のパイプ材のオーステナイト状態の挙動と早期寿命試験結果について(第 51 回講演大会講演大要)
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- 58 軸受鋼の研究 (II) : ベアリングの寿命に及ぼす金相学的因子の影響について(第 49 回講演大会講演大要)
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- "Die Edelstahlerzeugung", (by F. Leitner, E. Plockinger), Wiln Springer, 出版社刊行, (1950), pp.490, 図表 174.
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