4-メチル 2-ペンタノン除鉄原子吸光法による鉄鉱石中微量含有成分の多元素同時定量(湿式化学分析)(<特集>最先端の化学分析と物理解析)
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In recent year, the high quality steel products were developed by decrease of impurity elements in the steel. Generally speaking the determination of impurity elements of iron ore were performed by JIS (Japanese Industrial Standard) Method. But these JIS method (published in 1983) were specified that the determination limit of impurity elements in iron ores were ranged from 0.01% to 0.003%. To be suited to control of the steel production process, the determination limit of impurity elements were required to 0.001% contents level. At the same time the establishment of multi-elemental determination of impurity elements were required to the time saving on the analytical procedures. Analytical precision on the iron excluding atomic absorption method was significantly improved than the direct atomic absorption method. The determination limit at 0.001% contents level were obtained by the iron excluding atomic absorption method. Sulfate ion interfered in the atomic absorption by the molecular absorption from 200 nm to 300 nm. Threrfore in the case of the pretreatmenrt of analytical samples for the trace amounts determination the use of the sulfate reagents must be avoided in the atomic absorption method. The improvements of the accuracy of the calibration were obtained that the standard addition method was applied to compensate of the effect on the residual iron amounts. The multi-elemental determination can be applied to the same pretreatment solution in this method.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 1999-02-01
石橋 耀一
石橋 耀一
三角 武
磯部 健
鋼管計測(株) 分析センター
磯部 健
石橋 耀一
鋼管計測(株) 分析センター
石橋 耀一
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