連続溶融亜鉛メッキ操業における必要 Al 添加量
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As the aluminium in galvanizing bath is consumed through the reaction of dross and the alloy-layer formation, it is usually difficult to keep the aluminium content in the bath at a predetermined value. On the basis of our recent results, the aluminium content in tailored zinc required to keep the aluminium content in the bath at a desired level has been calculated. The aluminium content in tailored zinc (y_T) can be expreessd as the sum of the aluminium concentration in liquid zinc (y) and the amount of aluminium consumed, in concentration, through dross and alloy-layer formations : y_T=y+(a⊿W_1+b⊿W_2)・200/w where w is coating weight of sheet, and ⊿W_1 and ⊿W_2 are iron dissolved and iron in alloy layer, respectively. Under conditions of sheet temperature of 470℃, line speed of 100 m/min and coating weight of 305 g/m^2-sheet, the aluminium content in tailored zinc is estimated to be 0.31% to maintain the bath at 0.14% Al. When the coating weight is in the range of 305±60 g/m^2, to increase the aluminium content in the bath by 0.01% the aluminium content in tailored zinc should be increased by 0.05∿0.08% under the operational condition of 0.10∿0.14% Al in the bath.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 1974-01-01
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- 連続溶融亜鉛メッキ操業における必要 Al 添加量
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