- 論文の詳細を見る
Fatigue limits under rotating bending of transverse manual arc butt-welds in high tensile steels are examined by varying welding heat input in a wide range. A fatigue crack initiates almost at the softened zone of heat-affected zone (HAZ), but those fatigue limits are not lower than those of base metals. Influence of hardness change in welds or fatigue was also examined by using high tensile steels heat treated by a synthetic apparatus for weld thermal cycle, or steels heat treated by TIG arc process. The fatigue limit of the specimen having hardness change of Hv 100 shows just a little lower value than that of the specimen having no hardness change. Notched fatigue strengths in HAZ of welds of various microstructures in high tensile steels are investigated in detail. Those fatigue limits are almost equal to those of base metals, the notch sensitivities of HAZ's are not high compared with those of base metals. It is discussed that there are essentially little metallurgical factors affecting fatigue strengths of welds and a low fatigue strength of welds in high tensile steel may be due to a stress concentration of about 4 near a toe of reinforcement of welded joint.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 1971-08-01
高橋 賢司
伊藤 昭典
矢崎 陽一
高橋 賢司
矢崎 陽一
高橋 賢司
- (61) 突合せ溶接継手に関する2,3の実験
- 326 50Kg/mm^2級および80Kg/mm^2級高張力鋼溶接継手の腐食疲れ強さ
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- 283 2 1/4Cr-1.0Mo 鋼のクリープ特性におよぼす V 添加の影響(高温強度, 性質, 日本鉄鋼協会 第 76 回(秋季)講演大会)
- (60) 高張力鋼溶接組立てIビームの疲れ
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- 高力鋼母材およびその溶接継手の疲れ強さ
- 222 高張力鋼溶接継手部各組織の切欠き疲れ強さ : 高張力鋼溶接継手の疲れ強さ低下原因に関する研究 II(疲れ・強靱鋼・強力鋼, 性質, 第 73 回(春季)講演大会講演論文集 (II))
- 221 高張力鋼溶接継手の疲れ強さにおよぼす硬さ分布および入熱の影響 : 高張力鋼溶接継手の疲れ強さ低下原因に関する研究 I(疲れ・強靱鋼・強力鋼, 性質, 第 73 回(春季)講演大会講演論文集 (II))
- 280 圧潰強度の優れた油井管 : 圧潰の研究第 5 報(加工特性など・討論会, 加工, 日本鉄鋼協会 第 99 回(春季)講演大会)
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- 高力鋼母材およびその溶接継手の疲れ強さ
- 突合せ溶接継手余盛止端部形状と疲れ強さ
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- 101 軌条の残留応力におよぼす曲り量, 矯正量の影響(加工・耐熱鋼, 日本鉄鋼協会第 62 回(秋季)講演大会)
- 第 XIII 委員会出席報告 : Fatigue Testing (1970 年 IIW 年次大会(ローザンヌ)出席報告)
- Bending Fatigue Strength of Welded Steel Pipe with Uniform Mismatch