浸炭歯車の歯面の改善と面圧強度に関する研究 (第3報) : 油膜形成に及ぼす歯面仕上げの影響
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It is very difficult to finish precisely the surface roughness of gear tooth to the extent of a few sub-micron meters by a grinding machine. Even if it is possible, a time for grinding tooth will be very long and a grinding burn may often occur. The authors have adopted a barreling process as a last finish process for improvement of the suface roughness of the ground or the shot peened gears. And they found tbat this process is very effective for improving only the suface roughness of gear tooth which may have a slightly tooth tip relief and/or crowning. In the present research, four kinds of gears which are the ground gear, the ground and shot peened one, the ground, shot peened and barreled one, and the shot peened and barreled one without grinding were prepared. Their suface durabilities were investigated using a gear testing machine which can measure the condition of oil film formation between a pair of gears during running. Though the tooth profile of the ground, shot peened and barreled gear did scarcely change after running, that of the ground and shot peened one changed remarkably. The duration of the oil film formation in a running test conducted using barreled gears was very good, but that of the ground and shot peened gears was very bad.
- 公益社団法人精密工学会の論文
- 2000-09-05
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