Possible Evolutionary Transition from Rapidly Rotating Neutron Stars to Strange Stars Due to Spin-Down(Astrophysics and Relativity)
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We present a scenario for the formation of strange stars due to spin-down of rapidly rotating neutron stars left after supernova explosions. In this scenario the rapid rotation plays a crucial role. We assume that the total baryon mass is conserved but that both total energy and angular momentum are lost due to emission of gravitational waves and/or magnetic braking. Under this assumption, we calculate the transition from rapidly rotating neutron stars to slowly rotating strange stars. As a result, we find that a large amount of energy, 〜10^<53>, ergs is released. The liberated energy might become a new energy source for the delayed explosion of a supernova. Furthermore, our scenario suggests that supernovas associated with gamma-ray bursts are feasible sources of observable gravitational waves.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 2005-05-25
Hashimoto Masaaki
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kyushu University
ERIGUCHI Yoshiharu
Department of Earth Science and Astronomy College of General Education, University of Tokyo
Hashimoto Masa-aki
Department Of Earth Science And Astronomy College Of Arts And Sciences University Of Tokyo
Eriguchi Yoshiharu
Department Of Earth Science And Astronomy College Of General Education University Of Tokyo
Yoshiharu Eriguchi
Department Of Earth Science And Astronomy Graduate School Of Arts And Sciences University Of Tokyo
YASUTAKE Nobutoshi
Department of Physics, Kyushu University
Yasutake Nobutoshi
National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan Mitaka Jpn
Hashimoto Masaaki
Department Of Physics Kyushu University
ERIGUCHI Yoshiharu
Department of Earth Science and Astronomy, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo
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