- 論文の詳細を見る
The purposes of this paper are to consider the specialty of teaching profession from viewpoint of the disposition and ability that will be requested in a new era. We have understood the competence of teacher as technical skill, human skill and conceptual skill. Because the non-changeable perspective of teacher and the fixed school organization paradigm that had been formed by the purpose-means rationality, the competence of teacher was uniformalized. The teacher that is expected today, is imaged the teacher that is self-reformed and self-reflected the teaching practices through the spontaneous-autonomous school administration and management. Through the review of the proposal of the Teaching Staff Education Council and the requests of the school principals, the competence of teacher was considered from the demand in the changes of the society, not only the actual conditions of children, but also the way of teacher education system and curriculum. Furthermore, the specialty of teaching profession was considered from the educational reforms that were included 1) the national purpose of the relation with the science and technology, 2) the teacher education system, 3) the problems of entrance and exit of the pre-service education system, 4) the university establishment standards, 5) the creative school administration and management (spontaneous-autonomous school administration and management), 6) the kind and renewal of the teacher license, and 7) the suitable nature the teacher. The above-mentioned facts were summarized as follows; the partnership that is not the self-protective autonomy nature of teacher and school organization is needed, and it must be open in the home and the community. The ability and self-confidence to be to teach the children, even if is seen from everyone, is the core of the specialty of teacher.
- 日本教育経営学会の論文
- 2001-05-30
- 学校改善を目指した教育心理学研究の課題と展望
- 小島弘道編, 『時代の転換と学校経営改革』, 学文社, 2007年
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- 中国・四国地区 : 「高知教育経営研究会の発足」(地区研究情報)
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- 第8巻「教育経営の国際的動向」(『講座 日本の教育経営』, (全10巻))
- 第7巻「地域教育経営の展開」(『講座 日本の教育経営』, (全10巻))
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