- 論文の詳細を見る
Bacterial communities in epilithon on the river bed were examined at the Tamagawa River by a plate count method. Colonies developed on 1/2 PYG agar plates were classified into four groups according to the colony forming time. Incubation periods which were needed for the colony formation were between 0 and 48 hours for group A, 24 and 72 hours for group B, 120 and 168 hours for group C, and 288 and 336 hours for group D. Generic compositions and diversity indexes of the four groups were similar each other. On the other hand, positive reaction against morphological and physiological characterization (specific total activity) of these groups were quite different each other. Group A, which contains the organisms having the fastest colony forming time, had high specific total activity. On the other hand, group D, which is constituted with the bacteria having the slowest colony forming time, had lowest specific total activity. Most bacterial strains of the group A grew rapidly on the l/2 PYG agar medium, too. However, the group D included organisms which grew both rapidly and slowly on this medium. Based on these results, the colony formation of the bacteria seemed to prescribe largely by the physiological conditions of the cells at the time when cells were placed on the agar plates.
- 日本微生物生態学会の論文
- 1991-11-30
- 河床石面付着層における細菌群集を解析する際の採取面積
- A-43 ピルビン酸添加及び非添加培地に増殖したコロニーの性質(群集構造解析2,口頭発表)
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- 都市湧水・真姿の池における従属栄養細菌群集の動態におよぼす降雨の影響
- 29-A-06 分画した河床石面付着層の細菌群集の活性(群集構造解析,一般講演)
- C-36 河床石面付着層の細菌群集の種類数と採取面積の関係 : その2(群集構造解析,C会場,ポスター発表)
- A-22 河床石面付着層の微生物群集の種類数と採取面積の関係(群集構造解析-2,口頭発表)
- ピルビン酸ナトリウム添加培地による自然水界細菌群集のコロニー形成の増加
- 都市湧水・真姿の池の細菌群集の変動とその要因
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- ウインクラー法による河床付着層細菌群集の活性の評価
- コロニー形成時間の異なる細菌群集の性質の比較
- ピルビン酸ナトリウム添加培地による河川細菌群集の計数値と環境要因 (総特集 培養不能細菌--VNC研究の現状と課題) -- (1章 VNC状態の微生物の検出法)
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- 河床における礫の表面構造と付着微生物群集
- C-64 明暗条件下における河床付着層から単離したNitzschia sp.と細菌群集の動態(遺伝子解析、共生・相互作用,第2回ポスター発表)
- 秋川西青木平における河床石面付着層と砂上堆積物の細菌群集の比較
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