- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this article is to make clear the historical features of the policy of bank consolidation in inter-war Japan. Since the World War I, city banks had developed branches in the countryside and accumulated much money there. As a result, rural industries suffered from a lack of funds. The two biggest political parties, Seiyukai and Kenseikai had criticized the banks. They had pressured the bureaucrats of the Ministry of Finance into a change of policy so that they would transform the Japanese financial system intoa branch-banking system on the English model. By doing this, both political parties showed their concern for rural industries and put the policy into effect especially the fall of 1927. After 1936, however, the policy was changed to one of 'one bank for each prefecture'. As a result, the policy of bank consolidation in the inter-war period showed concern for rural industries in the countryside, and reflected 'the multi-stratum structure of the financial system'.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 2000-09-25
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- 1920年代における日本銀行の救済融資
- 伊牟田敏充著, 『昭和金融恐慌の構造』, 経済産業調査会, 2002年3月, viii+357+8頁, 6,000円
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- 戦時体制下における地方銀行経営の変容 : 両羽銀行の事例
- 山形銀行百年史編纂部会編『山形銀行百年史』
- 1920〜30年代岩手県下の金融危機と銀行合同--政党政治状況・金融危機・官僚支配