イギリス資本主義とアジア : ジェントルマンリー・キャピタリズムをめぐって(第67回全国大会共通論題) : コンファレンス・レポート
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This is a report of the symposium held at the annual meeting of the Socio-Economic History Society on 6 July 1998, at Gakushuin University. The topic of British capitalism and Asia was selected because the history of intra-Asian trade has been the subject of considerable debate among Japanese scholars for over ten years, with Professor K.SUGIHARA'S 'The development and structure of intra-Asian trade' (1996) attracting particular interest. Cain and Hopkins' concept of 'gentlemanly capitalism' has also attracted attention, particularly with regard to the economic influence which Britain exerted on Asia. The symposium focussed on the relationship between traditional intra-Asian trade and gentlemanly capitalism in the period from the end of the nineteenth century up until the 1930s, when British economic power was on the decline. Of the five papers read at the symposium, those by Professors Toshio Suzuki and Shoichi WATANABE are included in this issue of Shakai Keizai Shigaku. The other three papers were British perceptions of Japanese and Chinese industrialization, 1890 to the 1930s' by Professor Shigeru AKITA, 'Britain and the Chinese economy in the inter-war period by Professor Toru KUBO, and 'The Japanese experience of gentlemanly capitalism' by Professor Naoto KAGOTANI.
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- イギリス資本主義とアジア : ジェントルマンリー・キャピタリズムをめぐって(第67回全国大会共通論題) : コンファレンス・レポート
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