大名家臣の嫁・養子選択 : 徳島藩知行取に関する需給分析
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The purpose of this paper is to propose a general framework to explain what causes inter-class exchange of brides and adopted sons among daimyo retainers. My contention is that it was the number of children born to a particular class which controlled the degree to which they carried out such exchanges. If a class had many children, this meant that most of the retainers in the class had children of their own, and were therefore in a position to supply brides or adopted sons to other classes. On the other hand, if a class had few children its members were in the opposite situation of having to 'demand' brides and adopted sons from other classes. The example of the domain of Tokushima in the period from the eighteenth to mid-nineteenth century is used to support my contention. Its daimyo retainers constituted a hierarchical society, which is divided into four classes for the purposes of this paper, although the bottom class had to be omitted because of a lack of data. First there was an examination of which classes supplied or 'demanded' brides and adopted sons, to what extent and in conjunction with which other classes. Then the results were considered with reference to the number of children born to the three upper classes. The highest class had a comparatively large number of children and supplied more brides and adopted sons than it 'demanded'. On the other hand, the second class had few children and therefore 'demanded' rather than supplied. Its 'demand' for brides and adopted sons was satisfied by the highest class. In spite of this, it exchanged a similar number of brides and adopted sons with the third class. The reason for this was that when a retainer family in the second class required a bride or an adopted son but could not find one within the same class quickly enough, it was easier for them to find candidates from the third class. The same reasoning would seem to be applicable to the third class.
- 1998-11-25
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