日中戦争期の国際収支 : 外貨不足問題と経済統制
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This paper intends to clarify the significance of the critical shortage of foreign currency in the reproduction mechanism of the controlled economy of Japan during the war period, 1937-1941. The wartime economic control policy in Japan began with the priority rationing of the foreign exchange and the regulation of foreign trade. It was accompanied by the control of industrial loans in order to concentrate capital and credit into the munitions industries and dry up the flow to the non-essential industries. The Material Mobilization Plan, very core of the wartime control policy in Japan, was mainly based on the allotment of foreign exchange during the war against China, 1937-1941, while it was based on the control of marine transportation during the war against U.S.A., 1941-1945. In this article, the author re-examines the official statistics of the balance of international payments estimated by the Ministry of Finance. Since this estimate of "foreign trade" includes the trade. The author divides it into two parts according to the necesity of settlement by foreign exchange. The figures newly estimated are shown in Fig. 10 (A), (B), (C) and Fig. 11. Excluding the balance of payments with the "yen-bloc" area (Manchuria, North China and Kwantung Leased Teritory), the balance of payments with the "third-countries" area (the rest of the world, mainly dollar area and sterlng area), which is to be called the genuine balance of international payments, indicates far more unfavorable position of Japan at that time than the total balance with two areas. Consequently, the acquisition of foreign currencies was in dispensable for sustaining the economic reproduction in Japan. The author considers more closely the causes and effects of this critical shotage of foreign currencies, interrelations between economic contorl policy and foreign trade with two areas, the vicious spiral of the import restriction and the export shrinkage, and so on. Finally, he points out that the role of this shortage of foreign currencies is similar to that of the bottleneck of marine transportation during the Pacific War.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 1969-03-10
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