清末華北における市場圏と宗教圏 : 『青県村図』にみる無廟村について
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This paper is devoted to discussing rural marketing communities that shaped local social organizations. Especially I set forth an analysis of the relation of religious factors to the rural marketing communities. Arthur H. Smith indicated that most of the Chinese villages maintained some Taoism chapels called Miao. (廟). However, there were exceptions to this rule. If so, we cannot neglect to analyze no-Miao villages. Ch'ing-hsien-ts'un-t'u (青県村図) is a local government record dealing with an the cities, towns and villages in a prefecture, Ch'ing-hsien. In this record there are 91 villages which do not maintain any religious establishments, excluding one whose data are incomplete. They occupy 21 per cent of the villages in this prefecture. It should not be supposed that the inhabitants of those villages were irreligious. We have to analyze the reason why they were unable to maintain any religious establishments and yet able to live their village life without Miaos. It seems that such villages can be divided into three types. 1. Chinese Moslem villages ..................................... 19, A Chinese mosque called Ch'ing-chen-ssu (清真寺) stood at the center of their community consisting of some neighboring villages. So the people who lived in the villages without any mosque could go to the mosque in the neighboring village. In addition, they were subject to the taboo that they should not eat any pork and meat touched by non-Moslems. Therefore,they needed their own market. It is shown that two markets. Hsin-chi (新集) and Tu-lin-chi (杜林集) were Moslem marketing communities. 2. Consanguineous villages ....................................... 23, In this case, we can understand the reason why they did not need village Miaos. A Miao played a role as a public hall. Being composed of one family-group, the villages did not need to maintain Miaos. 3. Small villages ....................................................49, Because of the small population or little farmland, it fyas impossible for such villages to maintain any kind of village Miaos. Geographically analyzed, they lay close to the marketing places. As a number of various Miaos were maintained at the marketing places, the inhabitants of no-Miao villages could visit them on market-days. So they could live their village life without their own Miaos. This observation leads to the conclusion that there was a close relation between the religious factor and a marketing community.
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- 清末華北における市場圏と宗教圏 : 『青県村図』にみる無廟村について