近代中国の通貨体制の改革 : 中国通商銀行の創業
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The traditional financial systems of Piao-hao (票号), Yin-hao (銀号) and Quan-zhuang (銭荘) had a dominant position in the internal financial markets of premodern China. Piao-hao managed by Shansi-bang (山西幇), which were banks of the old style, controlled the market of government financing, and therefore were not a suitable financial mechanism for an industrial society. The first attempt at monetary reform in modern China was made immediately after the Sino-Japanese War. On 19 July 1895, the Emperor Guang-xu (光緒) ordered all provincial governors and generals to submit their plans for reform of the national finance system within one month. Before then, there was no idea of depositing the national income in a central bank. Weng Tong-hu (翁同和) and Wang Wen-shao (王文韶), gave concrete support to the plan for establishing a quasi-central bank proposed by Zhang Xuan-hai (盛宣懐). Zhang was strongly opposed to any plan to start a national central bank. He proposed opening a special bank based on private capital which could be made to act as a quasi-central bank. On 7 December 1896, the Emperor Guang-xu accepted Zhang Xuan-hai's plan for a Chinese bank and recognised its right to issue silver coin. The bank, whose Chinese name was Zhongguo-tongshang-yinhang (中国通商銀行 the Chinese Imperial Bank), issued bank notes from 1898. The small-value notes for Five and Ten yuan (元) were in strong demand in the Shanghai market and over one million lian (両) were issued each year after 1905. After 1905, the local banks established by every Shen (省) govenment in mainland China and the Chinese Imperial bank in Shanghai began to play an important role in the money supply system. By contrast, Piao-hao managed by Shansi-bang lost a large share in the market of government financing.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 1996-09-25
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