A Microscopic Theory of Superfluids. I : Quasi-Particles and the Extended Bogoliubov Transformation : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
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Creation and annihilation operators of quasi-particles are introduced into the description of a finite temperature system of degenerate bosons with the aid of a canonical transformation which generalizes the one due to Bogoliubov. A variational calculation taking into account the interaction between non-zero momentum particles shows that the quasi-particles are phonons in the long wave-length limit. The state of the system, which is approximated by the grand canonical ensemble of the quasi-particles, approaches the Hartree-Fock state when the condensate is depleted completely at the critical temperature.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1984-09-25
Yamasaki Shuichiro
College Of Bio-medical Technology Osaka University
YAMASAKI Shuichiro
Department of Physicsm, Osaka University
YAMASAKI Shuichiro
Department of Physics, College of General Education Osaka University:College of Bio-medical Technology, Osaka University
YAMASAKI Shuichiro
Department of Physics, College of General Education, Osaka University
- Excitation-Modes and Their Interactions in a Many-Boson System. I
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- Excitation-Modes and Their Interactions in a Many-boson System.II
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- A Microscopic Theory of the Back-Flow Effect in He-II
- Three-Particle Correlations in the Ground State of a Bose Fluid
- A Microscopic Theory of Superfluids. I : Quasi-Particles and the Extended Bogoliubov Transformation : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- The Extended Convolution Approximation as a Canonical Transformation in a Degenerate Boson System
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- A Note on the Pair Theory of a Degenerate System of Bosons
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- A Microscopic Theory of Superfluids. III : The Correlation Functions Pertaining to Superfluidity : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- Polarization Effects on Three-Particle Correlation Energy in a Fermion System of Hard Spheres
- Extension of the Notion of Normal Products and Wick's Theorem to Finite Temperature
- A Microscopic Theory of Superfluids. II : Quasi-Particles and Their Interactions : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- Phonon Spectrum of a Degenerate System of Bosons at Finite Temperature
- Quasi-Particle Description of a Degenerate System of Bosons
- Bose-Einstein Condensation and the Canonical Conjugates to the Density Fluctuations