Monte Carlo Simulation of Relativistic Comptonization
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The comptonized spectrum formed by reprocessing of soft photons in a relativistic plasma layer is investigated in connection with the X- and γ-ray emission of quasars and active galactic nuclei. The underlying model is the hot corona sandwitching the cool accretion disk around a massive black hole. Assuming that the relativisitically hot corona is approximated by the plane-Parallel layer of a finite optical depth to the Thomson scattering, we examine the effect of Compton scattering on soft photons emitted from the disk surface and the Compton cooling rate of the corona by the Monte Carlo method. We have obtained the power law spectrum up to ∼MeV region for the semi-relativistic homogeneous corona. For the homogeneous corona of higher temperature, the spectrum results in the continuous spectrum with one or two broad maxima. We also compute special examples of inhomogeneous corona, which can produce the power law spectrum from ∼keV to ∼10^2MeV range. The energy budget of corona and several important effects which have been neglected in computation are discussed to apply the results to quasars and active galactic nuclei.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1980-05-25
高原 文郎
Takahara Fumio
Research Institute For Fundamental Physics Kyoto University
Takahara Fumio
Reseach Institute For Fundamental Physics Kyoto University
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