A Mass-Sun Rule Based on Veneziano-Type Amplitudes with Nondegenerate Slopes and PCAC for π and K Mesons
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1978-05-25
- A Solvable Relativistic Four-Body Composite System in 1+1 Dimensions and New Intrinsic Couplings between Its Structure and Overall Translational Motion : Particles and Fields
- A New-Type of Prescription for Relativizing Static Form Factors of Three- and Four-Body Composite States
- f^0-Meson and Proton-Proton Scattering
- Long Range Interaction in Low Energy K-N Scattering
- Semi-Local Duality and SU(6)⊗O(3)_L Multiplets. II
- A Composite System in Motion in Positron-Theoretical Treatment : Particles and Fields
- Decay Properties of Highly Excited Mesons in a Duality Scheme with the Quark-Model Hadron Spectrum
- Regge Spectra of Charmed Baryons in Dual Resonance Amplitudes
- Resonance Families and Local Duality Relations in the Meson-Baryon Scattering : Particles and Fields
- Veneziano-Like Model with 2q2q^^- Meson Trajectory and pp Scattering at 90゜_