アキツ K-10 エンジンを塔載せる試作トラクターの性能について
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From May to July. 1959,we have tested on the properties of the trial made of AKITU tractor, mounted K-10 engine. The tractive property of this tractor is very good, and maximum tractive power is 520 kg. for the whole weight is 810kg. This result is showing that the properties of this tractor is better than the imported tractors, that is mounted the same power engines. And rolling diameter of this tractor is very small, then, the area of can't plowing is very narrow, therefor, plowing ability of this tractor is better than the other, that mounted on the same size plows, in the same speed. Such a small and excellent tractor, that made on trial, shall exhibit the powerful properties in the narrow field in Japan, and this tractor shall contribute to the progress of agriculture of this country.
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