葉分析の研究 : I. 水稲に於ける炭水化物の時期的変化 (2)
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Continuing the previous report, carbohydrate determinations by leaf analysis, i. e. in leaf blade, leaf sheath and culm internode of rice plants were carried out. In top leaf blade, at each sampling date, sacrose content followed two maximum curves during growth period, and bottom was observed at heading, but reducing sugar curve shows max. at heading. In leaf sheath, sucrose and reducing sugar contents gradually increase as growing, so that starch formation in leaf sheath begins later on transplanting, and max. value of starch content reaches tillering stage. The fact mantioned above is the case of top leaf, but is not the case of old leaves. In old leaves, sugars are produced in leaf blade, and starch accumulation is done leaf sheath during growth period. Thence in old leaf sheaths starch content remains high after tillering stage. In culm, regarding accumulation and translocation of carbohydrates, its contents increase after internode full elongation, and after heading its decrease firstly in top internode as ripening, secondly it follows lower parts of culm. But at maturing stage it is contained in the lower part of culm considerably sugars and starch. To behaviour of carbohydrates by different fertilizer treatments the following is considered together with previous report; N supply makes starch content of leaf sheath to decrease at tillering stage although P and K supplies make to increase. For nutritional diagnosis of rice plants, it is concluded that in case of high starch content of leaf sheath at tillering stage, it indicates N deficiency and P or K excess, and in case of low starch content it indicates N excess and P or K deficiency.
- 神戸大学の論文
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- 葉分析の研究 : VIII 水稲主稈葉部, 節間部及び穂部の発育経過 : 特に稲体各部の大きさ, 乾物重, 乾物歩合及び葉面積の生育に伴う変化と葉面積を表わす指数について (第124回 講演会)
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- 葉分析の研究 : VI. 水稲のN, P及びK要素欠乏を表す葉中限界濃度 : VII. 水稲の葉及び稈中N, P及びK要素の平衡に就て
- 葉分析の研究 : VIII 水稻主稈葉部, 節間部及び穗部の発育経過稲体各部の大きさ, 乾物重, 乾物歩合及び葉面積の生育に伴う変化と葉面積を表す指数について
- 葉分析の研究 : V. 小麦の葉中N, P及びK要素の平衡に就て
- 葉分析の研究 : I. 水稲に於ける炭水化物の時期的変化 (2)
- 葉分析の研究 : IV. 小麦のN, P及びK要素欠乏を表す葉中限界濃度
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- 葉分析の研究II, 小麦に於ける炭水化物の時期的変化 : 葉鞘中蔗糖の集積に就て (第107回講演会)
- 葉分析の研究 : II. 小麦に於ける炭水化物の時期的変化 : 葉鞘中蔗糖の集積について
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- 葉分析の研究 : I. 水稻に於ける炭水化物の時期的変化
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