- 論文の詳細を見る
Refraction and reflection seismic studies were made on the route between from Station No. 102 and Station No. 227 during the trip across the Yamato Mountains (See Fig. 1). We used the seismic equipment with 24 recording channels and geophones having the natural frequency of 20 cps (type M-3), supplied by the Electro-Technical Labs. It was mounted on a caboose hauled by a snow-car, as shown in Figs. 2 and 3. The 12 geophones were placed at intervals of 20 m, straightly along the traverse route. The shots for the reflection shooting ranged from 1 to 2 kg of TNT placed in 2 shot-holes, drilled 1 or 2 m apart at depths between 4 m and 6 m in the center of the 12 geophones. Velocity variation with depth for P wave was calculated for Station No. 95 using the equation: h = 1/π∫^D_0cosh^<-1>(V_D)/(V_x)dx, where h=depth at which velocity V_D occurs; x=horizontal distance; V_x=velocities from travel time curve in Fig. 6. The travel time curve was plotted from the results of refraction shooting at Station No. 95. Fig. 7 shows variation of the velocity of P wave with depth. Further, from the curve, density variation with depth in neve was deduced by the equation: ρ=2.21×10^<-4>V_P+0.059, whereρis density in g/cm^3 and V_p is velocity of P wave in m/s. The result is shown in Fig. 12. As is known from the figure the rate of increase of density with depth in this area is larger than in the Ross Shelf and Queen Maud Land. The reflection shooting was performed at intervals of 10 km on the route of 270 km in total length. Ice thickness profile obtained from the seismic prospecting is shown in Fig. 10. As seen in this figure, 3 deep valleys were detected beneath the traverse route. These may be the sources of the Shirase Glacier.
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- 氷及び雪の内部昇温 I
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- IV やまと山脈調査旅行地震探査報告(予報)(第4次越冬隊やまと山脈調査旅行報告(予報))
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- 地ふぶき時における風の乱流 III : 波状雪面形成時の観測例
- 地ふぶき時における風の乱流 II
- 南極昭和基地における海氷の成長と積算寒度の関係について(日本南極地域観測隊の報告)
- 南極昭和基地における積雪と海氷観測
- 天塩地方山地の雪庇調査 II
- 天塩地方山地の雪庇調査 I
- 地ふぶき時における風の乱流
- 積雪の通気抵抗 II : ポータブルσメーター
- 積雪の通気抵抗 (第I報)
- 地ふぶきにおける乱れのエネルギー消散率
- マイクロ・コンピュータ用BASICプログラム II
- 最大エントロピー法による雪密度のスペクトル解析
- マイクロ・コンピュータ用BASICプログラム I
- 積雪表面付近の微気圧変動
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- 積雪層内の微気圧変動
- みずほ高原における雪氷学的研究の成果の概要(第1回南極気水圏シンポジウム)
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- 海氷板の横圧縮破壊に伴う振動について
- ボスニア湾海氷調査 V : 屈曲振動の測定
- 雪面上でのレイノルズ応力の測定
- 地ふぶき時の粗度の増加について
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- 熱収支を考慮した斜面下降風の非定常モデル
- 流氷状況とレーダー像との対応 II
- 流氷状況とレーダー像との対応
- 試作測器による紋別沿岸氷下の海水塩素量垂直分布の測定
- 積雪の吸音率について