少子化が社会問題となる時代 : 20世紀初頭のドイツにおける2人っ子家族システム批判を手がかりとして(<特集>少子社会と子ども・学校・家族)
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Around the turn of the century, the birth rate began to decline rapidly in Germany. German people thought the declining birth rate was a problem for the German nation. Many factors were thought to be the cause. For example, economic problems, religious weaknesses or neo-Malthusianism and so on. One of the interesting explanations was that the decline was a type of "psychic" infection. Many people thought infertility was caused by parents who preferred a rich life and were immoral. The two child family system (Zweikindersystem) was a target of blame. This system only concerned the type of family with two children. But the system was thought to bring about a declining birth rate. While the two child family was blamed, the child rich family (kinder-reiche Familie) was praised. I tried to focus on the discussion about the two child family systern, and to clarify the relationship between the issues of population and family in the early 20th Century. That criticism changed throughout World War I. During the war, the population was thought to be the power of the nation. Many experts emphasized that the child rich family should be supported, because infertility was a threat to the national power of Germany that is volkskraft. The concept of 'volk' had been become a key word in Germany. 'Volk' meant not only the nation, but also racial, emotional, and communal people 'Volk' were believed to be based on German families. The meaning of the declining birth rate was changed by the concept of 'volk'. The Focus of this word changed from the quantity of population to the quality of population. After the War, the society and economy of Germany were seriously damaged. Many German people felt their family life also was damaged. At this time, the birth rate was lower than before. The two child family system was also blamed, but the focus of criticism has changed. Before the war, parents had been blamed, but now the system itself was blamed for having a bad influence upon children and culture. Educational experts urged that children learn ethics in the family; children couldn't learn ethics in the two child family system, because parents of the two child family system were not ethical and moral. A psychologist proved that good students had many siblings. Good family education was thought to need many siblings. Another population specialist insisted if all families followed the two child family system. German culture would not flourish. Many famous Germans stemmed from child rich families, for example Bach, Kant, Bismarck etc. It was said that they could not have been born under the two child family system. We can see the change of the discussion on population in the social and national crisis in the case of early 20th Century Germany; the meaning of the declining birth rate changed from the problem of quantity to the problem of quality of population. It was at this point that education was focused on. It was emphasized that family education in the child rich family was important for children, culture and 'Volk'. It is important to note that emotional and racial rhetoric also be used discussion of population. This argument makes a connection to the next age; Nazi Germany.
- 2004-12-30
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