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rights: 日本教育学会rights: 本文データは学協会の許諾に基づきCiNiiから複製したものであるrelation: IsVersionOf: http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110001175888/Although religion in public education should have been an important issue in post-war Japan, Educators have paid little attention to it because the Constitution and the Fundamental Law of Education stipulate separation between them. On the contrary, the religious academic world has been concerned about the introduction of religious education into public education. Today's moral deterioration over childeren threshes out once more an old controversy. The paper makes a historical survey of controversy on religion and public education in post World War II Japan by focusig upon major arguments between the religious academic world ad education.
- 日本教育学会の論文
- 1998-12-30
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