授業と成績に関する満足層と不満層の分析 : 国際学部学生アンケート調査から
- 論文の詳細を見る
Various characteristics of those satisfied and those dissatisfied with the. curriculum of the International Studies Department, have been analyzed on the basis of a questionnaire given to the students belonging to that Department at Bunkyo University in Japan. 1. The difference between those satisfied and those dissatisfied has been observed in their degree of eagerness to study five subjects. 2. For those students who are satisfied with their personal achievement in general-education subjects, the percentage of those satisfied with their achievements in the four other subjects, including the specialized subjects, is also high. Thus, it is concluded that general-education subjects contain important factors that determine whether or not a student will be satisfied with university life. 3. The survey shows that further efforts are desirable to give more thorough individual guidance to students in the dissatisfied group and also to improve the methods of classroom-teaching for such students.
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