J.-J.ルソーにおける自然界の認識 : 考察序説
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This paper elucidates Rousseau's attitudes toward nature, both his range of knowledge about the natural world and his sensibilities toward it. It compares them with those existing in England during the 18th century, and concludes by offering suggestions to hlep us confront our contemporary environmental problems.First, Rousseau viewed nature with a subjective, selective, imaginative and recollective attitude. He tried to discover "signs" in, nature which supported his critique of the "ancien régime".Second, one study of Rousseau has argued that his view of nature did not extend beyond the forest. In my opinion, the visual range of Rousseau's mind was so wide and deep that it encompassed even the inorganic world and cosmic laws.Third, I argue that Rousseau's way of thinking about mountains (including the Alps), the art of garden design, and the life of animals and plants was distinctive and influential in changing the way people thought about nature in the 18th century.Finally, after examining the applicability of two hypotheses (biophilia and topophilia) to clarify the significance of his perspective on nature, I conclude that Rousseau's charming, vivid insights into nature and strong descriptions of the natural world encourage us today to preserve and protect the natural world. J.-J.ルソー(Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1712~1778)の著作には自然界の描写が溢れるばかりに満ちており、あたかもそれらは、彼の自然界に対する視界の成り立ちと広がりの探求に向けて、人をいざなうようでもある。 小稿は、ルソーにおける自然界認識の態度特性とともに、その視界の及ぶところを、二つの整理軸を仮設して吟味を試みる。また、彼とほぼ同時代のイギリスにおける自然観の変遷との比較を例示して、ルソーの視界の背景を成す、自然観の時代状況を探.るとともに、彼の自然観研究に関する今後の課題の一つを示唆する。さらに現代の「自然と人間」観との関連を、“バイオフィリア”と“トポフィリア”の二説を中心に一見して、ルソーの自然界に対する認識の、現代的意義の一端に触れる。 なお今回の考察は、膨大な彼の著作の一部を対象としているという意味においても、第1次的なものである。また引用邦訳名と略記は本文中に逐次示すほか関連の原著名と略記を注1に掲げる。
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