クラスを超えた学び合い(2) : 日本人学生英語クラスと留学生日本語クラス間交流
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Throughout Japan, the number of the international students has continued to increase in the past decade. However, interaction between international and Japanese students on campus is said to be little. This has also been true in European and American universities for a long time. This study explores the possibility of cross-cultural communication among international and Japanese students through interclass communication activities. These activities were conducted between a Japanese language class and an English language class conducted at Bunkyo University in the spring semester of 2004 as the second trial following the previous semester's activities. The purposes of this exchange between these two classes were: (1) for students to seek for directions in their research, while being stimulated by the discussion among the participants, (2) to enhance the interactions between the international students and the Japanese students, and (3) to motivate them to learn each target language by making oral presentations. During the course, these two classes had three exchanges : midterm presentations by the Japanese students, theme presentations by the foreign students, and a debriefing session about each other's research in small groups. The Japanese participants were especially stimulated by these activities to work further on their research and to seek more exchanges with the international students. According to the survey conducted at the end of the course, both the international and the Japanese students claimed that there are not enough chances to interact with each other on campus. Furthermore, they said they hope that they will be given chances to do so in class activities.
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- クラスを超えた学び合い(2) : 日本人学生英語クラスと留学生日本語クラス間交流
- クラスを超えた学び合い : 留学生日本語クラスと日本人学生英語クラス間交流
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