- 論文の詳細を見る
The relation between personality characteristics and therapeutic effects was studied in 38 patients with psychogenic impotence, who consisted of 17 cases of honeymoon impotence, 17 of neurotic impotence and four other cases. As for the personality, Yatabe Guilford Personality Inventory (YG test) and Minesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) were investigated. The therapeutic effect was determined mainly by the results of brief psychotherapy. According to test, psychogenic impotence cases contained markedly less E types than the neurotic controls and markedly less D types than college students. The A type was found to be significantly more numerous than the above two control groups. The average score of individual parameters in the impotence cases gave the values in between the two control groups. Such a tendency was especially marked in the cases of honeymoon impotence. According to MMPI, the average T score and the profile of individual parameters in psychogenic impotence cases resembled very closely to those of the control neurotic cases. Honeymoon impotence group tended to show a lower T score than that of neurotic impotence cases. The cases having abnormal parameters of over 70 T scores were found in l/3 of honeymoon impotence case., and in 2/3 of neurotic impotence group. The abnormal score was found mostly in D parameter. No significant correlation was observed between YG test and MMPI. The therapeutic results showed 28.9% of cure, 28.9% of alleviation and 42.4% of unchanged cases. No Significant correlation was observed between the findings of personality tests and therapeutic results. However, more alleviation cases were in seen the E type of YG, showing more abnormal scores in MMPI. Those showing favorable therapeutic results were the ones whose routine communication with the marital partner was good and also who were able to receive the wife's cooperation.
- 日本心身医学会の論文
- 1980-02-01
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