YG性格検査による気管支喘息患児とその両親の性格特性 : 軽快または治癒群での検討
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Yatabe-Guilford test (YG test) was performed to asthmatic children and their parents to ihvestigate the personality of children who had been improved or cured 5-10 years after they first visited the Pediatric Allergic Clinic of Osaka University Hospital. The distribution of the personality of children and their parents were almost the same as that of ordinary healthy groups. In children with asthma which had been improved or cured, the type C was found less frequently than in children with asthma. It was very difficult to determine wheather or not this difference was due to their psychological development by aging or due to the favourable course of their asthma. The personalities of father and mother were tend to be similar, but the personalities of children were different from those ot their parents. It was not clear tht this personality differences between children and their parents were related to the past history of their asthma. Different distribution of personality was also found between improved and cured children. The Type C was found less in the personality of cured children than that of improved children. Also the Type C was found less in the personality of older children than that ef younger children.
- 日本心身医学会の論文
- 1983-04-01
池田 輝生
冨田 和巳
岡田 正幸
岡田 正幸
冨田 和巳
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