チャバネアオカメムシ, Plautia stali SCOTT (Hemiptera : Pentatomidae)から分離された鞭毛虫, Blastocrithidia sp.(Kinetoplastida : Trypanosomatidae)について
- 論文の詳細を見る
The morphology, morphogenesis and vertical transmission of a flagellate isolated from the brown-winged green bug are described. The flagellate is fusiform with an ellipsoidal central nucleus. A kinetoplast is located in front of the nucleus from where a flagellum arises. The flagellum emerges from the lateral part of the anterior cytoplasm to form an undulating membrane. This characteristic structure indicates an epimastigote, which is a typical developmental stage among trypanosomatid flagellates and suggests the genus Blastocrithidia. Epimastigotes attach to the lumen of the host intestine and multiply by binary fission. The multiplied epimastigotes accumulate as a rosette cluster and take a stumpy form with a large nucleus and kinetoplast suggesting fusions. Thereafter, the fused epimastigotes become bacilliform with a dense nucleus and kinetoplast showing "flagellar cysts." Numerous cysts and epimastigotes are observed in feces of infected adults. Larvae originating from egg masses of infected adults were infected with the flagellate. The main flagellate infection route is the contamination of egg masses by cysts during oviposition.
- 日本応用動物昆虫学会の論文
- 1993-08-25
- クロハラカマバチ成虫の人工飼料による飼育
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- チャバネアオカメムシPlautia stali SCOTT(Hemiptera : Pentatomidae)の共生細菌
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- チャバネアオカメムシ, Plautia stali SCOTT (Hemiptera : Pentatomidae)から分離された鞭毛虫, Blastocrithidia sp.(Kinetoplastida : Trypanosomatidae)について
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