モモハモグリガの生態学的研究 : II 光周反応に支配された成虫の季節型
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The summer form adults of L. clerkella, having light color and mature ovaries, emerge in the field from spring to summer, while the autumnal form adults with dark color and immature ovaries are observed after late September or early October. Laboratory rearing under different day lengths elucidated that the seasonal polymorphism is controlled by photoperiod, short day length resulting in autumnal form with adult diapause. Developmental period was shorter in summer form than in autumnal one, the difference being attributed to that in pupal period. The relative length of forewing to head width was longer in autumnal form, though there was no distinct difference in body size between both the forms. All larval stages were more or less responsive to day length, but for actual emergence of diapausing adults in the field, the larvae must be subject to short day condition from first inster. The observed relationships between day length and proportion of diapausing autumnal form adults indicated the critical day length to be 13 hours at 20℃ and 12.5 hours at 25℃. The significance of this seasonal polymorphism in the life cycle of L. clerkella was discussed on the basis of photothermograph for this district.
- 日本応用動物昆虫学会の論文
- 1981-08-25
- 北陸地方におけるツマグロヨコバイの個体数変動
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- モモハモグリガの生態学的研究 : II 光周反応に支配された成虫の季節型
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