モモハモグリガによるモモの落葉 : I 幼虫密度との関係
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The relationship between larval density of the peach leaf-miner and the degree of defoliation of peach tree has been investigated in 1975. From July to September, the number of leaves per shoot decreased remarkably, and the cause of this heavy defoliation was mostly attributed to the injury of high larval population of the miner from third to sixth generation. The defoliation rate at a given survey time (percentage of leaves dropped by the next survey time) was lineary related with the logarithm of larval density per leaf on the same date, and the lower threshold of larval density that brought about defoliation was estimated to be about 2 per leaf. A similar, but less clear relationship was found between larval density and defoliation rate of individual trees. The leaves which located near the base of new shoots had higher possibility of defoliation than those situated near the top. Among the leaves being at a similar level on shoot, however, there was a tendency that the rate of defoliation rose with increase in the number of inhabiting larvae on the leaf. The mortality of larvae by these defoliation was considered to act as the density dependent process and play a role in the regulation of the peach leaf-miner population.
- 日本応用動物昆虫学会の論文
- 1978-02-25
- 北陸地方におけるツマグロヨコバイの個体数変動
- A-13 北陸地方におけるツマグロヨコバイの個体数変動(個体群生態学・エピラクナ・ツマグロヨコバイ)
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- モモハモグリガの生態学的研究 : II 光周反応に支配された成虫の季節型
- A-31 生命表によるモモハモグリガ個体群の変動要因の解析(個体群生態学)
- ツマグロヨコバイの多発要因解析-2-稲熟期と成虫サイズの推移 (水稲の病害虫) -- (害虫の生理生態・被害査定)
- 619 モモハモグリガの光周反応
- モモハモグリガによるモモの落葉 : I 幼虫密度との関係
- D211 モモハモグリガの生命表(生命表)
- 339 モモハムグリガの発生経過(一般講演)
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