微粒子病蛾早期発蛾の特性利用による母蛾の微粒子病検査法改良に対する実験計画 : IV 発蛾の早晩と微粒子病との関係 中等量伝病の場合
- 論文の詳細を見る
The percentage of the diseased female moths of silkworms always diminished with high speed in accordance with retardation of eclosion date irrespective of the difference of maturation days of larvae and their combination like that of the previous experiment (OHSHIMA et al., 1966 c). In the case of male moths , their diminution velocity fairly decreased and became somewhat irregular. comparing the result of the present experiment with that of the previous, there exist two great differences : (1) The percentage of diseased female and male moths of larvae that ripened early was inferior to that of the larvae that ripened late in the present experiment, while it was just the reverse in the latter. (2) Reversal in the percentage of diseased male moths occurred only on the day near the end of eclosion where their number greatly diminished in the former, if it happened, while it always occurred on an intermediate day where a great many moths eclosed. When a room was continuously lightened by the electric lamp every night from 0 hour until day break, the eclosion time of diseased female moths moved up and it happened earlier by repeated lightening, but in the case of diseased male moths, this phenomenon was not so conspicuous as that of the diseased female moths.
- 日本応用動物昆虫学会の論文
- 1966-12-25
広瀬 安春
藤原 公
大島 格
藤原 公
広瀬 安春
樺沢 ヨウ
沢田 紀一
沢田 紀一
樺沢 ヨウ
農林省蛋糸試験場:(現)東京都 中野区 上高田2の13
大島 格
農林省蛋糸試験場:(現)東京都 世田谷区 砧町59の5
- 微粒子病蛾早期発蛾の特性利用による母蛾の微粒子病検査法改良に対する実験計画 : IV 発蛾の早晩と微粒子病との関係 中等量伝病の場合
- 微粒子病蛾早期発蛾の特性利用による母蛾の微粒子病検査法改良に対する実験計画 : II 1掃立口(1仕切)の数量と蟻蚕罹病率との関係(微粒子病伝染様式)補足
- 微粒子病蛾早期発蛾の特性利用による母蛾の微粒子病検査法改良に対する実験計画 : III 発蛾の早晩と微粒子病との関係 : 罹病率軽微な場合
- 微粒子病蛾早期発蛾の特性利用による微粒子病検査法改良に対する実験計画 : 1.1掃立口(1仕切)の数量と蟻蚕罹病率との関係(微粒子病伝染様式)
- 微粒子病蛾発生の源
- 微粒子病蛾早期発蛾の特性利用による母蛾の微粒子病検査法改良に対する実験計画
- 母蛾混和機利用による1掃立口各台紙の微粒子病蛾分布の一様性の検定
- 母蛾混和機の試作
- 1掃立て口の微粒子病ガの分布と検査試料抽出法