- 論文の詳細を見る
Both diagnoses of depressive disorders and anxiety disorders are commonly made in psychiatric patients on the basis of DSM-III-R criteria. Patients with this condition clinically seem to have several characteristics and recently draw a growing attention of numerous investigators. The authors gave an overview on comorbidity of depressive disorders and anxiety disorders, and presented their own clinical experiences with cases of panic disorder with comorbid depression. In summary : 1.According to an epidemiological study (ECA study), 33% of patients with affective disorders and 21% of those with anxiety disorders have the other additional diagnosis. The lifetime prevalence of comorbid depression among patients with panic disorder is estimated at about 30%, 2. The authors classified their series of patients with panic disorder into several groups in accordance with courses leading to depression. That is, with secondary depression lapped over PD(IV-1), with depression subsequent to PD (IV-2), with depression temporally independent of PD (IV-3) , and others. 3. Comorbid depressive disorders included demoralization depression (Sheehan), anxious depressive and/or hypochondriacal states (chronic neurotic states, the most common), anxiety attack-retardation type depression (Hirose), major depression without above mentioned features, and bipolar II (only one case). 4. Family history of our cases was almost not special, but a large family study (Leckman) suggests that cooccurrence of major depression and panic disorder in probands increase the risk in relatives for a number of psychiatric disorders. 5. As to the psychopharmacologic treatment for comorbid patients, combination of antidepressants and antianxiety drugs are effective. MAOIs may be available if those patients are reluctant to conventional drugs. 6. As indicated by many authors, and admitted by the author's own experiences, comorbid depressive disorders lead to increasing severity and chronicity of panic disorder, and they lead to worse response to medication and less favorable outcome. Further studies are needed to develop new methods for preventing from or coping with these unfavorable outcomes.
- 日本心身医学会の論文
- 1993-02-01
林 竜介
竹内 龍雄
林 竜介
林 竜介
帝京大学医学部附属市原病院 精神科
竹内 龍雄
竹内 龍雄
帝京大学医学部附属市原病院 精神神経科
- 24. 帝京大学市原病院精神科に置ける10年間の診療統計(第922回千葉医学会例会・第13回千葉精神科集談会)
- 16. 成人型シトルリン血症の1例(第915回千葉医学会例会・第12回千葉精神科集談会)
- 4. パニック障害患者の対処様式について(第915回千葉医学会例会・第12回千葉精神科集談会)
- 「めまい」とパニック障害
- 22. 『めまい』とパニック障害(第888回千葉医学会例会・第11回千葉精神科集談会)
- 21. パニック障害患者の病前性格について(続報)(第888回千葉医学会例会・第11回千葉精神科集談会)
- 29. パニック障害患者の性格 : 健常者との比較(第870回千葉医学会例会・第10回千葉精神科集談会)
- パニック障害(特別講演2,第850回千葉医学会例会・第9回千葉精神科集談会)
- 10.コタール症候群を呈した1症例(第799回 千葉医学会例会・第6回 千葉精神科集談会)
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- パニック障害の認知行動療法 : 外来での実践(特別講演,第106回日本心身医学会関東地方会演題抄録)
- うつ病と不安障害(各科領域におけるうつ病の実態と留意点)(第33回日本心身医学会総会)
- S-I-6 うつ病と不安障害(各科領域におけるうつ病の実態と留意点)
- 32. 性格検査ボランティアの中でパニック発作のみられた人たちの性格特徴について(第948回千葉医学会例会・第14回千葉精神科集談会)
- パニック障害とストレス対処 (特集 現代人のストレスと不安)
- 身体化障害 (特集 身体表現性障害)
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- 一般臨床に役立つパニック障害の治療
- 経過と見通し (特別企画 パニック障害) -- (パニック障害とは何か)
- パニック障害の歴史と最近の考え方 (特集 パニック障害--現代人のストレスとパニック障害)