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Recently we use art therapy at times for the patients with psychosomatic diseases. One of the reasons is that art therapy is deasy to use. Another reason is that it is a method of self-expression. We have heard that self-expression and self-realization have a good effect on pitients with psychosomatic diseases. Our department has used art therapy for diagnosis and treatment for 13 years. Now we conduct individual, family and group art therapies. We have known that psychosis and neurosis have different characteristics of drawing expression. We report these characteristics and explain the diagnosis and reatment of psychosomatic diseases by use of individual art therapy. We add the introduction of family and group art therapies. 1. Individual art therapy : Drawing expression is classified into three groups. Group 1 is unusual drawing expression in quality. Group 2 is unusual drawing expression in quantity. Group 3 is usual drawing expression. Group 1 shows strange figures, heterochromatic color, and so on. They are often drawn by the patients of schzophrenia and organic psychosis. Group 2 pictures are often drawn by the patients of manic-depressive illness. When they are depressive, they draw gloomy and poor works. But when they are manic, they ause many colors and draw thickly. Group 3 pictures are often drawn by the patients with neurosis and psychosomatic disease. We can find easily that Group 1 and Group 2 are unusual in form. So, psychosis's drawing has a great value for diagnosis. But Group 3 is usual in form. Therefore it is difficalt to use drawings done by neurotic and psychosomatic patients as the method of diagnosis. But we can find that Group 3 changes in content. In art therapist and a patient exchange views about the changes. This exchange functions as an effective reatment. This is because, in view of psychopathology, the art therapist helps the patient to express himself and the help can lead him to self-realization. II. Family art therapy : We use Conjoint Kinetic Family Drawing (CKFD) as a family art therapy. A therapist instructs all of family memberx to make their family drawng together. Each family member uses his or her own color and family drawing is done in conjunction. Using this method, we can intervene in family systems. III. Group art therapy : In our hospital ward, a group of patients draw monthly on panes by coloring sprays named 'pop snow spray'. The grou is made up of patients with neurosis. This therapy's effect is to increase the self-esteem of a worker by being praised for the work and to help him approach to the group more easily.
- 日本心身医学会の論文
- 1992-02-01
大原 健士郎
石川 元
内田 智香
矢崎 理恵
大原 健士郎
大原 健士郎
浜松医科大学 精神医
大原 健士郎
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