- 論文の詳細を見る
One hundred and fifity five asthmatic children out of a total number of 188 hospitalized chidren who had been hospitalized for the first time between the ages of one and fifteen during the 7 year period between 1980-1987 and were treated by institutional therapy with the duration of more than 1 month, were studied. One year after their discharge, a questionnaire was sent out to them asking about asthmatic attacks, daily life and parental attitudes. Our findings and conclusions are as follows; 1) With regard to asthma itself, the frequency of asthmatic attacks (95%), the severity of attacks (96%), various self-control techniques to control asthma (88%), and the fear of asthma (94%), were markedly improved. In terms of the daily life of those chidren, absenteeism (96%), independence (66%), confidence (76%) and peace of mind (71%) were also improved. As to parental attitudes, fear of asthma (97%), and over-protection in daily life (73-76%) were improved as well. 2) With respect to the difference in age groups, improvement (in both asthma itself and daily life) was greater in the infant group as compared to older groups. Infants with asthma, however, must be treated on an indevidual basis and greater care must be administered when hospitalized. Although the degree of improvement was a little lower both in the early school-aged group and in the later school-aged group, School aged childeren as a whole are considered to be suitable for institutional therapy partially due to the psycho-socianl development of asthmatic children.While the results show a greater improvement in the puberty group as against the school aged group, it is speculated that oder chilren tend to show lass improvement in their disease, as there were few older patients who responded to the questionnaire. It is therefore advisable that asthmatic chidren who had severe or intractable asthma in their early years be hospitalized for institutional therapsy during early years in school. 3) The transition of morbid improvement in ashtmatic chidren was correlated to the level of medical care, and to the presence or absece of some form of mutual reliance beween the patient, his or her family, and the doctor. To ensure thesuccessful performance of appropriate institutional therapy, a mutually cooperative team led by a physician should be utilized. Additionally, team members should try not only to educate the patient and his or her jamily, but also accept them encouraging the development of their mutual reliance. 4) Those cases which produced unexpected results, those who did not respond to the survey, as well as readmission cases should be investigated further and in more detail.
- 日本心身医学会の論文
- 1991-08-01
- 気管支喘息児が重症化後,早期に施設入院療法を行った場合の効果 : 共通指標を用いた多施設検討
- 喘息児の性格傾向(第27回日本心身医学会総会一般演題に関する質疑応答)
- 喘息児の性格傾向
- 7.喘息時の基本的生活習慣(一般演題)(第10回日本心身医学会近畿地方会演題抄録)
- 喘息児の性格傾向(呼吸器(1))
- 一般学童の食事習慣としつけ : 摂食行動異常の背景を探る : 第9回日本心身医学会近畿地方会演題抄録
- 古典的条件づけ機制にオペラント条件づけ機制が加わって難治化していると考えられた喘息児症例
- 小児気管支喘息における条件反射学的要因とそれに対する患児の自己認識
- 小児の喘息発作へのバイオフィードバック法の応用 : 第24回日本心身医学会総会一般演題に関する質疑応答
- IB-9 小児の喘息発作へのバイオフィードバック法の応用
- IID-4 気管支喘息児の気道過敏性に与える音楽の影響について(呼吸器I)
- 113) 進行性筋ジストロフィー症(Duchenne型)23例の心機能について(第1報) : 心エコー図による検討 : 日本循環器学会第48回近畿地方会
- 10. 母親の拒否傾向が強い思春期の重症気管支喘息女児に対するシステム論的アプローチ(第18回日本心身医学会近畿地方会演題抄録)
- 4. 過換気傾向を伴った重症喘息児の気功法による治療経験(第17回日本心身医学会近畿地方会演題抄録)
- 過換気傾向を伴った一重症喘息児の気功法による治療とその効果
- 27.登校拒否症および森田神経質症を呈した難治性喘息男子の森田療法的アプローチによる1治療経験(第16回日本心身医学会近畿地方会演題抄録)
- 神経質症状を呈した気管支喘息児への森田療法的アプローチの経験
- 小児気管支喘息の施設入院療法と退院1年後の追跡調査
- 15.喘息児の施設入院療法と1年後調査(第14回日本心身医学会近畿地方会演題抄録)
- I-D-21 デイケアによる喘息教室とその追跡調査(気管支喘息III)
- 2. 喘息児の自立訓練とその効果(第13回日本心身医学会近畿地方会演題抄録)
- 喘息児の家族画 : 第12回日本心身医学会近畿地方会演題抄録
- 心身相関のメカニズム 小児科の立場から : 気管支喘息の心理・行動的要因(I 心身症とアレルギー)
- 肥満, 登校拒否, 過呼吸発作を伴った喘息児の施設入院治療の1経験 : 第9回日本心身医学会近畿地方会演題抄録
- 小児気管支喘息における発作の特徴とセルフケアの必要性 : 第8回日本心身医学会近畿地方会演題抄録
- The effects on airway obstruction by inhalation of DSCG solution and DSCG solution +β-stimulant (a little amount) in the non-attack period in asthmatic children
- 小児気管支喘息の施設入院による脱薬物依存とセルフコントロール(行動療法と行動評価)
- 13.小児気管支喘息の施設入院による脱薬物依存とセルフコントロール(一般演説III)
- 小児気管支喘息と社会復帰に対する行動的アプローチ
- 17 小児気管支喘息における条件反射学的要因と自己認識(一般演題(IV))