海外派遣邦人の心身医学的研究 (第1報) : その疾病形態の検討
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Today overseas activities by the Japanese are increasing rapidly. The onset of psychosomatic disease by culture shock in Japanese people living overseas is becoming a major problem. However, there is very little clinical investigation of this problem. Therefore, we conducted a psychosomatic research for the past 7 years from 1980 to 1986 in 4091 Japanese people of the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers(JOCV), who left Japan for overseas service and lived in 35 different developing countries in tropical and subtropical zones. JOCV is a volunteer group of men and women with ages 20-35 who are sent to developing countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, Middle East and Oceania for 2 years for the purpose of contributing to the social development of these countries. Of these 4091 volunteers, there were 172 who have returned to Japan for some clinical reasons during their terms of service. Among them those who came back because of the onset of psychosomatic diseases (PS group) or of mental disorders (MD group) were subjected to our present study. (1) The PS group consists of 37 case (among them 19 were women) and the MD group consists of 12 cases (among them 3 were women). The average age of the PS group was 25.1±2.8 years old (m±SD) and that of the MD group was 27.1±3.5 years old (Tab.1). (2) As to the presence of past history of the same symptom before leaving Japan, it was found in 29% of the PS group while none was in the MD group. (3) After leaving Japan, the average time before the onset of disease was 7.4±5.9 months (m±SD) in the PS group and early onsets of within 6 months were found in 51%. As to the MD group, the average time of onset after leaving Japan was 11.8±7.4months (m±SD) (Fig. 1). (4)The results of TPI test (Todai Personality Inventory test; a questionnaire including 500items) applied before leaving Japan, were compared in terms of Hypochondriasis (Hc). A total of 37 patients, the sum of PS group (25) and MD group (12), showed significantly higher scores (p<0.01) than the healthy 37 controls who were matched with the 37 patients by age, sex, country visited, year of visit and type of job. From these results, it was suggested that volunteers with highly hypochondrical tendency show a higher incidence of psychosomatic or mental symptoms in overseas (Tab. 2). (5)As to the ratio of number of cases among the PS group to that of total volunteers, African zone has a significantly higher (p<0.05) in number than other zones. This can be attributed to the seriously poor conditions of medical care in the African zone compared with those of other zones (Tab. 3).
- 日本心身医学会の論文
- 1990-10-01
高橋 進
渡辺 啓子
鳴門 弘
松岡 洋一
関 育子
渡辺 啓子
小原 博
石川 俊男
- 4.海外赴任を契機に食欲異常を呈した2症例(第57回日本心身医学会関東地方会演題抄録)
- 7. 絶食療法中の尿中のカテコールアミン, c-AMP, c-GMP, コルチゾール, ガストリンの変動(第16回日本心身医学会東北地方会演題抄録)
- II-D-18 海外在住邦人の心身医学的諸問題(第1報) : その疾病形態について(ストレス・メンタルヘルスI)
- 10. ペンタゾシン依存に陥った初老期医師の心身医学的検討(第20回日本心身医学会東北地方会演題抄録)
- 23. 不安神経症における僧帽弁逸脱症候群(第16回日本心身医学会東北地方会演題抄録)
- 35. うつ病者家族の性格特徴について(第19回日本心身医学会東北地方会演題抄録)
- 海外派遣邦人の心身医学的研究 (第1報) : その疾病形態の検討
- I-D-23 成人における慢性口蓋扁桃肥大の心身医学的研究 : パーソナリティ、習慣、適応性、肥満度、内分泌機能などについて(呼吸器・アレルギー)
- 海外派遣邦人の心身医学的研究(第2報) : 男性を対象とした帰国時アンケート調査と赴任前TPIテスト
- I-E-3 白血球像およびTPIによる疾患発生予測について : 2年間のProspective studyから(基礎I)
- 肥満を伴った不登校の1例 : 箱庭療法を試みて : 第18回日本心身医学会東北地方会演題抄録
- 7.健診で「胃が弱い」と自認した人達の検討(第62回日本心身医学会関東地方会演題抄録)
- 2.海外在留邦人の心身医学的研究(第55回日本心身医学会関東地方会演題抄録)
- I-E1-3 海外在留邦人の心身医学的研究(第2報) : 男性162名を対象とした帰国時アンケートと赴任前TPIテスト(ストレスI-測定-)
- 29. 異食によりイレウスを呈した1例(第19回日本心身医学会東北地方会演題抄録)
- 一般総合病院における心身症外来の統計的考察 : 第18回日本心身医学会東北地方会演題抄録
- 8. ライフスタイルが心身に及ぼす影響についてのアンケート調査(第16回日本心身医学会東北地方会演題抄録)
- 絶食療法中の血清蛋白と免疫グロブリンの変動(その他)
- 心理テストの変動からみた絶食療法の効果(第2報)(絶食療法)
- 15.慢性口蓋扁桃肥大者の心身医学的検討(第59回日本心身医学会関東地方会演題抄録)