イネネモグリセンチュウの生態, とくに生活史と発生消長について
- 論文の詳細を見る
Mass rearing and single female rearing of two species of Hirschmanniella were conducted. Adults of H.imamuri penetrated and moved into the roots of rice seedlings in a seed bed and laid their eggs during a comparatively short time. Hatched larvae lived within root cortical layers for some time, and then the matured larvae lefe the roots and into the soil to become adults. However, attempts to learn the mode of life of H.oryzae was found to be difficult because the morphologycal differences among the larval developmental stages were insufficient for identification of each stage. As results of this study it is considered that one genaration a yeare is commen with H.imamuri, but two generations a year for H.oryzae.
- 日本応用動物昆虫学会の論文
- 1970-09-25
- マウス筋肉中のアデノシンリン酸含量に及ぼすNS2662の影響
- ジャガイモガの配偶行動
- 韓国産ニカメイチュウの有機りん剤抵抗性
- 431 マツノザイセンチュウ病の化学療法(一般講演)
- ピレスロイド包接化合物の殺虫特性 : 第2報 β-シクロデキストリン包接ピレスロイドの農林害虫への適用(一般講演)
- イネネモグリセンチュウの生態, とくに生活史と発生消長について
- 409. イネネモグリセンチュウの産卵, 孵化に及ぼす温度の影響について
- 福田仁郎博士の急逝をいたむ
- 土壌線虫, 横尾多美男著, B5判, 580ページ, 3000円, 明文堂(東京)発行
- 農薬と私(1)
- 殺線虫剤
- ワモンゴキブリにおけるNS2662(O, O-dimethyl 2,2-dichloro 1-hydroxyethyl phosphonate)の代謝ならびにコリンエステラーゼ阻害