- 論文の詳細を見る
Under identical rearing conditions, the individuals of the Hiroshima strain, the females of which were predominantly brachypterous within a broad range of nymphal density, showed a shorter nymphal period, but emerged to adults with a similar weight and shorter relative fore-wing length against head width, compared with the individuals of the Nagasaki-I strain, the females of which exhibited higher ratios of macropterous forms with increasing nymphal density. Both strains exposed to different combinations of photoperiod (10 and 16 h) and temperature (20 and 25℃) showed similar responses in their developmental pattern : a short day-length slightly prolonged the nymphal period. Detailed studies on the Hiroshima strain showed the presence of a photo-sensitive period during the adult and egg stages, but the induction of a diapause-like prolongation of a specific stage could not be achieved regardless of the conditions to which they were exposed. The females of the Hiroshima strain were totally brachypterous when reared on rice plants before the heading period, but they partly exhibited macropterous forms on older plants, indicating that even highly stable populations like those of the Hiroshima strain could migrate as macropterous forms when fed on rice plants near the ripening stage. From these results, it was suggested that the considerable variations in the nymphal density and wing-form relationships in N. lugens collected in Japan were not caused by differences in the sensitivity to photoperiod, but were due to the difference in the migratory sources.
- 日本応用動物昆虫学会の論文
- 1988-02-25
- 長距離移動および生殖休眠への昆虫の生理・生態的特性と適応(病害動物の生理分子生物談話会(第 11 回))
- 255 カイコ蛹期の細胞分画に分布する核酸およびタンパク質量の変動(生理学, 生化学, 昭和43年度日本農学会大会分科会)
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- ハスモンヨトウをめぐって : 生理実験から野外調査へ
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- トビイロウンカ2系統における幼虫生息密度・日長・温度および稲の発育ステージに対する反応性の比較
- F3 国内外産トビイロウンカの翅型発現にみられる変異性とその発現機構(生理学・生化学・寄主選好性・耐虫性)
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- 昆虫の謎を追う 茅野春雄 (2000)学会出版センター, 東京, 282pp., 2,000円(税別)
- A118 ベニツチカメムシの幼虫への給餌と保護行動(行動学)