インドネシアにおけるノネズミRattus argentiventerの嗜好性とわな餌の検討
- 論文の詳細を見る
The investigation was carried out to evaluate food preference as an attracting bait for the wild rat, Rattus argentiventer, in the rice fields of Muara Substation of CRIA, Bogor in Indonesia, at the milk stage of rice. The tests and investigations were conducted in April 1978,when the season changed from wet to dry. Tests conducted on 13 kinds of foods showed that roasted salted fish, roasted crab, roasted shrimp paste and sardine were eaten in small amount whereas 9 other kinds of foods were not consumed. Baits which had tooth marks and body odor belonging to wild rat of the same species were preferred. Among them, the favourite baits were roasted salted fish and sweet corn. However, in taking into consideration the availability, low cost and easy preservation for a long period of time of the bait, roasted salted fish with tooth marks and body odor of wild rat of the same species was thought to be the best attracting bait for the wild rat, R. argentiventer.
- 日本応用動物昆虫学会の論文
- 1979-11-25
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