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Assuming that a characteristic pattern in the electroencephalogram is induced by some method, i.e., hunger, or administration of drugs which are both effective to the treatment of psychosomatic disease, the author made a simultaneous recording of the cortex, limbic system, hypothalamus, and reticular formation of the rabbits, and the following results were obtained.1) Almost no changes in the cortex and reticular formation were observed in the electroencephalogram of the rabbits which were fasted by a method which exhibits a prominent effectiveness to psychosomatic disease. However, an inhibitory effect was found in the hippocampus and hypothalamus.2) With administration of diazepam, four regions especially the cortex, hippocampus, and reticular formation were inhibited. These effects induced inhibiting patterns transitorily after its administration and were followed by near arousual patterns in the electroencephalogram of the rabbits. The intravenous injection of chlordiazepoxide which was considered to be effective to psychosomatic disease, by comparison with the electroencephalogram of the fasted rabbits, inhibited the hippocampus and hypothalamus, but induced almost no or slight changes in the corted and reticular formation. Inhibiting effect with diazepam, however, was made by smaller dosis than with chlordiazepoxide.3) With the intravenous injection of chlorpromazin, reserpin, and meprobamate which was not so effective to the treatment of psychosomatic disease respectively, the cortex, limbic system, hypothalamus, and reticular formation were all inhibited.From these results, it appears that the point aimed at treatment of psychosomatic disease is to inhibit the hippocampus and hypothalamus while keeping the cortex and reticular formation unchanged. The author consider that this experimental method and effect may be used as a screening teste of medication on psychosomatic disease.
- 日本心身医学会の論文
- 内分泌異常の心身医学的研究
- 絶食及び電磁波の行動に及ぼす影響
- 心身相関に関する二, 三の研究
- 59)精神身体症の脳波的診断(第2回日本精神身体医学会総会講演抄録(2))
- 精神身体症に対する絶食療法並びに向精神薬の作用機序に関する脳波的研究
- 脳波よりみた精神身体症に対する絶食療法と向精神薬の作用機序