- 論文の詳細を見る
Before the WWII, there were few educational institutions of library science in Japan. During the Allied occupation period, some library training courses were held, ex. at Doshisha and Kyoto Universities, but they were on the lines of the pre-war framework, stressing on how to administrate a library. In 1948,Robert B. Downs suggested to establish a library institution at the University of Tokyo, in vain. Then in 1950,GHQ/SCAP began a program of establishing Japan Library School (JLS) with support of ALA, in order to train professional Japanese librarians. This represents a shift of occupational library policy from reformation as a whole to specification to library training. Robert L. Gitler, the director of JLS, chose Keio University, favoring its westernized philosophy. With financial support of Rockefeller Foundation, JLS went into orbit. There held Americanized library curriculum, laying stress on understanding of library's role in society as well as technical methods. It joined Japanese and American librarianship.
- 東京大学の論文
- 2002-02-25
- アビゲイル・A. ヴァンスリック著, 川崎良孝・吉田右子・佐藤恭子共訳, すべての人に無料の図書館:カーネギー図書館とアメリカ文化 1890-1920年, 発行:京都大学図書館情報学研究会, 発売:日本図書館協会, 2005.10, 274p, 27cm, 定価6,300円(税込), ISBN 4-8204-0515-2
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