- 論文の詳細を見る
The Ainu, the aborigines of Hokkaido, the northernmost island of Japan, were originally a fishing and hunting tribe though they have been much civilized under the influence of Japanese settlement which was started at about 1869. Before that time deer and salmon were plentiful and sustained some 30.000 Ainu for several thousand years. The fishing of the Ainu was done mostly along inland rivers, where the salmon coming up for spawning were caught. Before the development of Hokkaido there were virgin forests with thick undergrowth everywhere and there almost no trails except those made bydeer.Therefore, transportation was done mainly by river. Even tiny rivulets in the mountains had proper Ainu names according to their geographical or biological characteristics. Mountains were also named by the Ainu for their convenience. Since the Ainu had no written language the names of rivers and mountains were written recently in Japanese following Ainu pronunciation terminology. In old times there were no shotguns among the Ainu and deer were caught with poisoned arrows. However, when necessary a great number of deer were driven to bay on top of a mountain cliff and forced to jump to their death by well trained dogs. Salmon fishing was done by means of primitive fish-nets or harpoons. As the abundance of salmon was closely related to the welfare of the Ainu, they performed a ceremony praying for a rich catch. The river was cleaned at the beginning of the season and young women were prohibited from fording or even approaching it. Making noises in the home was restrained. The mountains afforded many kinds of edible plants which were useful as subsidiary articles of diet and as medicinal herbs. They prepared starch from the tubers of Lilliaceae plants. Collecting the roots of Aconitum-grass in the mountains was very important for the Ainu as a source of poison for their arrows. When they went hunting in the mountains they carried no bivouacing equipments. They made temporary huts wherever they were by utilizing twigs and leaves in the area. Sometimes a boat was made of tree-bark for transitory use land oftentimes a canoe was used for distant travel. They walked usually barefoot, but in the mountain they used sandals of vinefibres. In winter they kept their feet warm with boots made of salmon or deerskin. Knowledge concerning the hibernating sites of bears was inherited from generation to generation. They hunted bear not only for meat and skins but also for god-service. No bear was killed unless the traditional ceremony was performed. The bear was the god of the mountain for the Ainu and provided bountiful game.
- 日本文化人類学会の論文
- 1968-03-31
- 動物発生学の研究材料蒐集の余談(100周年記念特集)
- 日本南極地域観測隊犬橇関係報告(II)
- 日本南極地域観測隊犬橇関係報告(I)
- 北海道に於けるカラスの被害と防除の研究 : (Ⅲ) 特にカラスの食性と農業との關係
- 野鼠のカラマツ屬に對する嗜好の實驗生態學的研究
- 北海道に於けるカラスの被害とその防除の研究 [1] : カラスの生態研究の概要
- 北海道におけるヒグマの冬篭り穴について
- ヒグマ歯の年輪形成時期および歯の種類による年輪数について
- ヒグマの歯のいわゆる年輪による年令測定に関する研究(予報)
- アイヌと山
- アイヌの夢うらない
- アイヌの夢うらない
- 流氷期のオロッコ海豹狩
- 米國西部に於けるアイヌに關する講演經過
- アイヌの行ふ熊の解剖
- 北海道の開拓と自然
- ヒグマのコミュニケ-ション (生物のコミュニケ-ション--人間以外の生物はいかにして情報を伝達しているのか) -- (哺乳類のコミュニケ-ション)
- イルカのコミュニケ-ション (生物のコミュニケ-ション--人間以外の生物はいかにして情報を伝達しているのか) -- (哺乳類のコミュニケ-ション)
- 北海道の自然と開拓による変化〔昭和52年7月電気学会全国大会における特別講演〕
- ヒグマのコミュニケ-ション(生物のコミュニケ-ションをたずねて-36-)
- 森林と水の問題
- わが国北方の動物地理学上の諸問題 (寒冷気候にまつわる諸問題(特集)) -- (生物の分布)
- サケの自然史
- 天然記念物の保護の問題
- 北海道の野生動物の保護
- 天北地方の自然と鳥獣
- 減らないヒグマの生態
- タンチョウヅルの保護(ぷろむなあど)
- 野鳥と文化財
- 355 ヒグマの毒殺試験(薬剤防除・有害動物学, 昭和41年度日本農学会大会分科会)
- ルソーと現代教育
- 釧路アイヌの鮭のテシ漁
- 謎の民族アイヌ
- 南極のタロは12才
- 北海道に於けるダニの外聴道内侵入の例に就て(第 4 回大会講演要旨)
- 鳥獣北海道
- 学術研究余談
- 日本学術会議の性格と委員会活動 特に科学者の待遇問題委員会の経過と問題点について
- 57 北海道根室標津におけるクマの被害の特性(昭和38年度日本農学会大会分科会)
- 千島アイヌの鳥皮衣
- 124 イエネズミの季節的消長について(昭和37年度日本農学会大会分科会)
- 釧路地方のアイヌの川漁(ヤス)について
- 家兎と野兎に対するモノフルオル酢酸塩,硝酸ストリキニーネ及びScillirosidの殺兎効果
- 民族学的に見た北海道の野猪
- 害獣の忌避剤(II. 誘引物質・忌避物質, 昭和35年度日本農学会大会分科会)
- 野兎による森林の被害
- 毛皮動物史-3-
- 野兎嫌忌剤チオソルベント・クレオソート混合液及び二,三薬剤による造林地の兎害防除試験
- 毛皮動物史-2-
- 毛皮動物史-1-
- 樺太犬考-2-
- わが国北方の動物地理学上の諸問題 (寒冷気候にまつわる諸問題(特集)) -- (生物の分布)
- 北海道西南部の鉄道防雪林の鼠害とその原因の考察
- 野兎嫌忌剤の試作とその効果-1-
- 北海道におけるヒグマの冬篭り穴について