英語 CAI ビデオソフトの開発 1
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Marriage between computer technology and video technology can provide us with several wonderful things in the field of English as a Foreign Language education. Research indicates visual information along with auditory information is effective for language learning as well as language acquisition. Development of interactive video lessons is easy and fun with some assistance of advanced technology. All you need is innovative and creative ideas in which this new media, interactive video, can be fully utilized. This new instructional system, however, needs more intensive research in terms of visualized instruction, answer processing, questioning, and the level of interaction since it is recently introduced to the teaching/learning situation. This short paper, as the first part of the on-going experimental study our research group has been working on, attempts to introduce basic knowledge of video production and the development of CAI lessons, and how to develop an interactive video lesson in the field of foreign language education.
- 神奈川大学の論文
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- 英語 CAI ビデオソフトの開発 1
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