Java言語による分散オブジェクトフレームワークの比較研究 : その2
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Three typical distributed object frameworks, CORBA, javaRMI and DCOM, in Java are compared with respect to their runtime performance as well as the programming ease. We propose a simple model, EchoWorld, to substantially compare the runtime performance of different distributed object frameworks. We already reported a comparison of CORBA and JavaRMI using POS system but DCOM, and in this paper we add the characteristics of DCOM from view of programming ease and we thoroughly compare their runtime performance using EchoWorld model with two different object adapters, BOA and POA, (CORBA) and four different versions of Java (JavaRML). As a result we conclude that the runtime performance of JavaRMI is the best, CORBA is slightly behind and DCOM is the slowest and the version of Java affects the runtime performance of JavaRMI.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 2003-03-01
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- Java言語による分散オブジェクトフレームワークの比較研究(その2)
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