A Preliminary Description on Fossil Woods Collected from Site BG-X, West of Baragoi, Kenya
Mitsuo Suzuki
Department Of Biology College Of Liberal Arts Kanazawa University
Suzuki Mitsuo
Department Of Biology College Of Liberal Arts Kanazawa University
- Effect of Hypothalamic Extract on the Prolactin Release from the Bullfrog Pituitary Gland with Special Reference to Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone (TRH) : Endocrinology
- In situ Hybridization Histochemistry of c-erbA〆2 mRNA in the Hypothalamus and its Surrounding Structures in the Adult Male Rat
- Changes in Lactate Dehydrogenase Isozyme Patterns of Rat Anterior Pituitary in Varied Thyroid States
- Thyroid Function and Polyamines II. Thyrotropin Stimulation of Polyamine Biosynthesis in the Rat Thyroid
- A Possible Role of Cadaverine in the Biosynthesis of Polyamines in the Japanese Newt Testis
- Thyroid Function and Polyamines III. Changes in Ornithine Decarboxylase Activity and Polyamine Contents in the Rat Thyroid during Hyperplasia and Involution
- Roles of Biogenic Amines in the Hypothalamo-Pituitary-Thyrid System in the Rats
- Changes in Cyclic AMP Level of Rat Thyroid by Acute and Chronic Stimulation of Thyrotropin in vivo
- Localization of α2-adrenergic Agonist Sensitive Area in the Hypothalamus for Growth Hormone Release in the Rat
- Comparative Wood Anatomy of Coriaria
- Influence of Thyroid Hormone on Glycogen Metabolism in Rat Liver
- Effects of Corticosterone on Protein, RNA, DNA and Tubulin Contents in Developing Male and Female Rat Brains
- Effects of L-Triiodothyronine on Tubulin Content in Developing Male and Female Rat Brain
- A Preliminary Description on Fossil Woods Collected from Site BG-X, West of Baragoi, Kenya
- Pericarp Anatomy and Evolution in Coriaria (Coriariaceae)
- Pyridine Nucleotide and odination Reaction in the Thyroid Gland
- Quantitative Description of the Process of Architecture Formation in Viburnum dilatatum and V. wrightii (Caprifoliaceae)
- The Effect of Orchiectomy and Androgen Supplement on the Adrenal Cortex and Medulla of Rats