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Young people's communication style is drastically changing nowadays and it sometimes leads to miscommunication with older generations. Classroom situation is no exception and we teachers are often at a loss for what to say or what to do to keep up our relationship with those students. In this essay, some aspects of such communication problems are depicted and the way to cope with the matter is sought from pragmatics perspectives. The tendency to be less specific about their stance, frequent use of various hedging or blurring schemes, and their extremely poor stock of emotional vocabulary are delineated. Then, it is pointed out that we are apt to misunderstand their true communicative intent mainly from decoding their messages based only on our own conventions. If we examine their 'eccentric' lexical choice or linguistic behavior from a cross-cultural pragmatics perspective, their functional motivation in each discourse context becomes apparent. They are trying to evade a 'deeper' interpersonal relation by being 'non-specific' or 'non-committal.' However, there remains the task for us to try constantly to accommodate ourselves to the ever-changing behavior of students.
- 福島工業高等専門学校の論文
- 2003-03-10
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- メッセージの「観念構成的」および「対人的」メタ機能 「アリス」と「赤(ハート)の女王」の対話分析(2)
- テクスト分析とテクスト類型`Catch the Wave!'; 「サーフィン」テクストの機能言語学的分析 そのIII
- 過程構成と対人的メタ機能`Catch the Wave!' ; 「サーフィン」テクストの機能言語学的分析 そのII
- マルチモーダル的視点によるテクスト分析`Catch the Wave!' ; 「サーフィン」テクストの機能言語学的分析 そのI
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- 間接性とポライトネスの機構(助言の間接発話行為:そのII)
- 助言文脈における`want'-コーパスに基づく分析(助言の間接発話行為:そのI)
- メッセージの「観念構成的」および「対人的」メタ機能 「アリス」と「赤の女王」の対話分析 そのII
- 「会話分析」と「体系機能文法」との融合 「アリス」と「赤の女王」の対話分析 そのI
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