車イス利用者のための台所デザインの研究 : 韓国と日本における車イス利用者のための台所環境の比較
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Wheelchair users find conventional kitchens are very inconvenient to use because most of them are designed for the general public. To address this problem, we have presented a study on the current kitchen environment. As part of a series of studies to establish kitchen design guidelines for wheelchair users, this study aims at identifying the differences and the ploblems common to the kitchen environments of Korea and Japan. For this study, survey method was used. Out of 137 collected questionnaires, 114 valid data were used for final analysis. The respondents consisted of 84 korean and 30 Japanese wheelchair users who do kitchen work on a regular basis. Comparisons between the two countries were made in kitchen spaces, kitchen works, remodeling cases, and the level of satisfaction on their kitchen environment. We visited 7 remodeled kitchen in both countries to review the benefits of remodeling and to interview on the problems related with kitchens. As the result, we found that the satisfaction level of Japanese wheelchair users on conventional kitchens was higher than Koreans. Also, in the remodeling ratio of wheelchair users' kitchens in Japan were higher than those in Korea. Among the kitchen elements, the wheelchair users of both countries commonly had difficulties in using upper cabinets, sink, and range hood etc. After reviewing remodeled kitchen cases, we could make some recommendations for formulating kitchen design guidelines.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 2002-03-01
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